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Annual Radio Device Insights Report

date 27th August 2020
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The annual radio device insights report conducted by GfK and the Radio Broadcasters Association (RBA) has today been released. Utilising data from the S1 2020 Radio Ratings, the report is typically available in June but was delayed due to the COVID-19 lockdowns.


The insights show that 90.1% of all radio listening is taking place via AM/FM radio, with 4.6% streaming on mobile phones, 2.5% on PC/laptop and 2.8% accessing radio via TV or other.

AM/FM radio devices have the highest average time spent listening at 16 hours and 26 minutes per week, followed by PC/Laptop at 6 hours and 59 minutes.

Young listeners are finding new means of tuning in. Of mobile phone listeners, 27.7% are in the 10-24 age group and 40.2% in the 25-44 age group.


Place of listening graphs demonstrate the expected drive time peaks and troughs for the Monday-Friday commute, with early morning and late afternoons spiking for in car listening. This chart also shows the strength of at home listeners across all day parts and steady workplace listening between 9am-5pm.

A comparison of place of listening further strengthens the story for workplace listeners, with a greater average time spent listening than car and home.

These results uphold our view that an effective radio advertising campaign should incorporate a mix of multiple day parts and listening channels.

It’s also a key reminder for creatives to understand the multiple contexts in which listeners will hear advertising across the day.

Talk to The Radio Bureau about what these insights mean for your brand and to see the full report.

*Please note this information was collected as part of S1 2020 sampling. Metro: Sun Aug 25 to Sat Nov 2 2019 & Sun Jan 19* to Sat Mar 28 2020 / Regional: Sun Mar 31 to Sat Jun 8 2019 & Sun Jun 16 to Sat Nov 2 2019 & Sun Jan 19* to Sat Mar 28 2020 *Auckland, Northland, Tauranga & Waikato Wave 1 field dates Feb 2 to Mar 28 2020.

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